Attention Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Sufferers: Did You Use Roundup Weed Killer?
Monsanto and Bayer have settled Roundup lawsuits for $10 billion. The settlement, among the largest in U.S. history, compensates people exposed to Roundup under certain circumstances. If you have non-Hodgkin lymphoma and were exposed to Roundup, you might be eligible for compensation.
Roundup Claims Information
Were you in a Car Crash?
Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can affect not only your day, but a lifetime of pain and suffering due to injuries sustained.
If you were hurt in an accident that wasn't your fault, get the compensation you deserve. Click below to see if you qualify for reimbursement of your injuries.
Accident Claims Information
If You Took Zantac - You May Be Entitled To Significant Compensation!
The FDA found Zantac heartburn medicine contains high levels of the human carcinogen Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). With countless people now stricken with cancer after taking Zantac®, many are turning to the courts and filing lawsuits. The makers of Zantac apparently have been aware of the chemical for years, but failed to disclose this to consumers. Instead they prioritized profit over safety.
If you or a loved one has used Zantac for 6 months or more and developed cancer, you may qualify for a significant cash settlement. To find out, fill out the form to get your free claim review! We're here to help! You may be entitled to significant financial compensation! See if you qualify today!
Zantac Claims Information
Were You or a Loved One Diagnosed with Lung Cancer or Mesothelioma? You May Qualify for Compensation. Average Settlement Claim is Between $1 Million and $1.4 Million. Act Now!
Billions of dollars are being held in an account to pay out those who have suffered from long exposure to asbestos. Asbestos are fibers that can cause stiffness and irritation in the lungs. Commonly found in the building blocks of your home, job, or even cars (vinyl flooring, insulation, textured paint etc.) these fibers have been linked to Lung Cancer in mesothelial tissue.
Think about the long exposure to asbestos you were exposed to due to your occupation or even just being at home. Click below to find out if you are eligible to get the compensation you deserve.
Cancer Claims Information
Serve in the Military Between 2003 and 2015? You May Be Entitled to Compensation
U.S. combat veterans who used 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs and suffered hearing loss or tinnitus are now filing lawsuits seeking compensation for their injuries. In 2018, Department of Defense contractor 3M agreed to pay $9.1 million to settle a False Claims Act lawsuit that alleged 3M knowingly sold defective earplugs to 4 branches of the U.S. military. This settlement with the Department of Justice paved the way for thousands of military personnel to file successful lawsuits for their injuries.
If you used 3M Earplugs and now experience hearing loss, ear ringing or whistling (tinnitus), often accompanied by headaches, dizziness, irritability, and insomnia, you may be entitled to compensation from 3M. This is not a lawsuit against the government. See if you qualify for compensation today.
3M Claims Information
Were You or a Loved One Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer from Using Baby Powder? Past Lawsuit Awarded Plaintiff $55M in Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit.
A brand trusted by millions of Americans, Johnson & Johnson neglected to inform us of its risk associated with using its Baby Powder, also known as Talcum Powder. The mineral used, called talc, has been linked to developing ovarian cancer in women.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer due to the use of Talcum Powder, you may be entitled to compensation. To get your case reviewed and see if you qualify, click the link below.
J&J Claims Information
New York 'Adult Survivors Act' Empowers Those Sexually Abused to Hold Their Abuser Accountable and Get the Compensation They Deserve!
“With great power comes great responsibility.” So why do some abuse their power? Many executives and influential people in New York have sexually and physically taken advantage of people whom they think may not have a voice. It's time to speak up.
On May 24, 2022, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into effect the 'Adult Survivors Act' allowing more time to file a lawsuit against abusers and the institutions responsible for this abuse. If you or a loved one are a survivor, click the link below to see if you qualify for compensation and have your voice heard. Act now before it's too late!
NY Abuse Claims Information
$8.1 Billion in Funds Being Extended to First Responders, Clean-Up Workers, Search and Rescue Workers, and Residents in the Lower Manhattan Area Affected By the September 11, 2001 Attacks.
The devastation of the attacks on the World Trade Center took the lives of many. The mass exposure of the debris and toxic fumes continue to affect those who were around the lower Manhattan area on that day. Fragments from the collapsed towers contained harmful chemicals such as asbestos, fiberglass, mercury, and benzene which were spread across the area and inhaled by an estimated 410,000- 525,000 residents and first responders.
Unfortunately, those brave survivors are now susceptible to the development of different cancers. If you or a loved one are one of these brave survivors, you may be entitled to compensation. Click the link below for a free consultation and to see if you are eligible.
9/11 Claims Information
Paraquat Linked to Parkinson's Disease
Paraquat is an ingredient in some weed killers used by farmers, landscapers, groundskeepers, and gardeners in all 50 states. Here are five important things you need to know about this chemical herbicide:
- Paraquat has been banned in many countries but the Environmental Protection Agency has refused to ban it in the U.S.
- According to the National Institutes of Health, exposure to paraquat has been directly linked to a 250% increased likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease (PD).
- Symptoms of PD include tremors, stiffness, or loss of balance.
- Although medications can help relieve some of the symptoms, PD is incurable.
- If you used paraquat weed killer and became ill, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and lost earning capacity.
If you or a loved one were injured by paraquat, call today for a free, confidential case evaluation because time to file a claim is limited.
Paraquat Claims Information
Have you or a loved one used products such as chemical hair relaxer or hair straightener?
These products have been linked to uterine and ovarian cancer and other diseases. You may be eligible to file a claim for financial compensation.
Hair Care is a multi-billion dollar industry. But manufacturers are putting profits over people, marketing products with high levels of toxic and harmful ingredients. These trusted companies such as L'Oreal, Revlon, and Strength of Nature have known for years that their chemical hair relaxers and straighteners contain cancer-causing ingredients. They've spent more dollars on marketing to ensure that their unsuspecting customers buy more of these toxic products instead of fixing.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with uterine tumors, endometriosis, uterine cancer, or ovarian cancer, and have used chemical hair relaxers and/or straighteners, you may be entitled to file a claim for financial compensation! To see if you qualify, click or tap the link below for a free case review.
Hair Relaxer Claims Information
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Hair Relaxer Claims Information